Don’t miss the programs for kids, adults, and all ages !!
From HPL,
The Hornell Public Library has a variety of programs planned for the month of September. Registration is required for all programs, so please call the library at 607-324-1210 to register for any events. The library will be closed Monday, September 2nd for Labor Day.
Recurring Programs
Homebound Book Deliveries – First Saturday of the Month, 11 AM (September 7th). To sign up for monthly deliveries for you or a loved one, fill out the online form here or call the library.
Crochet for Beginners – Mondays, 5 PM to 7 PM. Don’t have your own crochet needles or yarn? Borrow a crochet kit and donated yarn from the library’s Tool Lending Shed.
Chess Lessons – Thursdays, 5 PM to 6 PM
Open Chess – Thursdays, 6 PM to 7 PM
Programs for Children
Saturdays: September 7th, 14th and 28th at 11 AM – STEAM Story-Times. Families can come listen to a story then complete a fun STEAM activity inspired by the story’s theme. There will be no STEAM Story-Time on September 21st. Check out the Bird Watching with Children program planned for that day.
September 17th at 1 PM – Toddler Tuesday. Toddlers and their caregivers can come listen to a story and participate in a fun activity to help encourage social development and positive early literacy habits.
September 21st at 10 AM – Bird Watching with Children. Members from the Allegany County Bird Club will be coming to the library to share bird watching tips for children. Afterwards, be sure to check out the Hornell Public Library’s birdwatching kits for kids and adults!
Programs for Teens
September 6th at 3:30 PM – Nintendo Switch Gaming Session: Mario Kart 8 Deluxe. Calling all tweens and teens! Attend the library’s first Tech & Gaming Club session, made possible by the Foundation for Southern Tier Libraries. Take turns competing to show off your Mario Kart skills.
September 25th at 4 PM – Banned Books Week Trivia for Teens. Banned Books Week is September 22nd through September 28th this year. Teens can put their knowledge on the history of banned and challenged books to the test at this trivia session.
Programs for Adults
September 5th at 12:30 PM – Alzheimer’s Association Caregiver Support Group. Are you looking for resources and support as you navigate caring for a loved one with dementia or Alzheimer’s? Attend this support group meeting to get the help you need. Respite is available through Faith in Action, call 607-324-1138 or email to set it up.
September 10th at 6 PM – Adult Book Club: Deja Dead by Kathy Reichs. Come discuss the crime novel selected for September’s Book Club meeting. Several copies of the book are available through the Southern Tier Library System. Call the library to reserve your copy today!

All Ages
September 7th at 10 AM – Writers Group. Develop your creative writing skills with the guidance of esteemed writer Lee Marcus. Lee has published a variety of works including a nonfiction book Hearts Afire: The Story of Moonwhistle School, two musicals (Salvation Armani and The Rich Man and The Shoemaker), and a one-act play “Life is Shortz”. Bring a piece of writing you’re working on to share with the group! The Writers Group typically meets the first Saturday of the month.
September 18th at 4 PM – Library 101: STARCat & Libby. Want to learn more about how to use the Southern Tier Library System’s online catalog or how to borrow an eBook? Come to this informal workshop to set up your STARCat account, download and sign in to the Libby app, and learn how to access more digital collections as a New York State resident.
There’s still time to join the STARQuest challenge to visit as many of the 48 Southern Tier Library System’s member libraries by September 30, 2024. Begin your STARQuest by getting a map at any STLS library. Collect stickers at each stop to earn prizes. For more information visit
Follow the library on Facebook and Instagram to keep an eye out for upcoming details on the Fall Reading Challenge starting in October.
The Hornell Public Library will soon be offering a Thinking Money for Kids series, made possible by the American Library Association and FINRA Foundation. Details coming soon!
The library was also awarded a Community Arts Grant from The ARTS Council of the Southern Finger Lakes to support a Cultural Explorations project. This project will introduce our community to the cultures of various regions around the world through art and dance workshops and performances. Up first is the Intro to Central America series with Alma de Mexico on Saturday, October 12th during the 5th Annual Maple City Fall Festival. The group will be hosting a Mexican Crafts Workshop for children (registration will be required for the workshop) and an interactive performance of Quetzalcoatl, The Feathered Serpent.