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COLUMN: The darkest hour is just before the dawn

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Exploring gnosticism and “Jung and the Lost Gospels”

By Frederick Sinclair, pictured is psychiatrist Carl Jung

When connecting the dots of the dark realities we find our world currently experiencing,  a pattern emerges similar to that seen throughout many of the ‘darkest hours‘ in history. From the meteoric extinction of the dinosaurs; the cataclysmic loss of civilizations; to the plagues throughout the dark ages, mankind has survived and recovered from the destruction of life in world wars, holocaust of ethnic cleansing,  slavery, racism, ruthless colonization, mass pollution of the environment and extinction of species. Modern humanity is experiencing another  ‘darkest hour’, within the incredibly powerful and transforming information age, that is threatening our very existence as a species and the entire planets ability to support life. With the advances of modern technology, the internet, quantum computing and AI; there is infinite potential to elevate mankind. However, that raw creative potential is being captured and eclipsed by shadows of ignorance, greed, and the rabid thirst for wealth, power and control.

Natural rhythms of creation foster progression from darkness into the light of dawn. Divine new beginnings are seeded in faith, grow in belief and bear the fruit of knowing (Gnosis). The Divine messages contained in the Dead Sea Scrolls and Lost Gospels of the Nag Hammadi were hidden for millennia and sheltered from the dark ignorance of centuries. They have been translated into modern languages and forecast the dawning of a new era. Carl Gustav Jung is considered to be among the most brilliant psychiatrists of the twentieth century and is also considered a sage who has brought ancient knowledge and mythology into the context of modern consciousness. Jung promotes, instead of seeking God externally, finding the divine Gnosis (knowledge) of self and spirit (divine spark) within. Jungian expert and author Dr. Steven Hoeller is a professor of comparative religion and an expert in Jungian psychology and Gnosticism. He is the author of the ‘must read’ book  Jung and the Lost Gospels. The book takes us on a Jungian journey of deep understanding into secrets of the Essenes, Gnostics, Hebrews, and Christians; from a time just before and soon after the life of Christ. The Dead Sea Scrolls and the Nag Hammadi scriptures, from early AD, were sealed in large ceramic urns and postmarked for a future mankind delivery. Ironically, or should we call it synchronicity, these buried ancient scriptures were ironically discovered concurrent with the use of the first atomic weapons at the end of WWII.

In Hoellers book, Gnostic and Essene wisdom of the ages is seen through the modern psychology of Jung with ancient metaphors translated into a knowing (Gnosis) that ushers in the dawn of a new era.  Jungian psychology highlights the human drive for inner re-unification with the Divine Spark and the state of “individuation” that leads to inner wholeness. Weakened morals and religious practice, the misuse and capitalization of the information age, evils of war, rise of Totalitarianism and the threat of nuclear holocaust, open the door to the spirituality of the Gnostics and Essene scriptures. Jung, as early as 1912, predicted to Freud that the wisdom of the Gnostics was destined to re-enter Western culture via psychological intuition and insight from deep within the human soul. Although a lifelong interpreter and student of gathered Gnostic and ancient scriptures, it wasn’t until  1953 that Jung was finally presented a translated copy of the complete lost scriptures that had been declared to be heresy and hidden 1200 years prior. As each of our divine sparks endure this, humanities darkest hour, be mindful of the coming dawn and that we are in our own hands.  In the words of author Stephan Hoeller:

“ Gnosticism, amplified and brought into psychological relevance by Jung, is the prima material, the creative existential matrix out of which the salvific (healthy) transformational elements may emerge that could save the west from its decline and fall”
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