Has the FCC ignored the possible harm wireless poses to the public ?
An OPINION By Frederick Sinclair
On September 18th 2024 a national collaboration of activist organizations, officials and citizens, who have organized as the National Call for Safe Technology, (The Call) sent a request to every Attorney General (AG) in every state of the Union, requesting their assistance in protecting residents in their states and the nation from an identified harm. A primary mission of a state AG is to investigate, prevent and remedy unlawful actions and harm inflicted on the public under their protection. The Call, in their 11 page letter, pinpoints how the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) has failed to comply with a 2021 federal court remand order which underscores that the FCC has a statutory duty to regulate wireless exposure in order to protect public health. The FCC is failing in performing their duty and knowingly continues to allow exposures which are unsafe for the public and children in particular. The US Court of Appeals for the DC Circuit, in its land mark decision Environmental Health trust, et al. v. FCC, ruled that the FCC “failed to provide a reasoned explanation” for its decision not to upgrade its 1996 guidelines for human exposure to radio frequency (RF) radiation. The FCC decision, not to upgrade, was ruled “arbitrary and capricious” under the federal Administrative Procedures Act and the case remanded back to the FCC to review the 11,000 pages of evidence, submitted to the docket. The evidence proved that harm is occurring below current FCC guidelines, which were set in 1996. To date, the FCC has failed to comply with the 2021 remand order. The Call, letter to State Attorney Generals, underscores the FCC statutory duty to regulate wireless exposure to protect public health and is requesting the assistance of the state prosecutors to help push for the court ordered upgrade of the outdated exposure levels which have been shown to be harming the public and the environment.
Tens of thousands of radio frequency based microwave emitting antennas and other telecommunications devices are being authorized, installed and utilized based on the premise that they meet the FCC regulatory limits for exposure. These 25 year old exposure limits are based on whether or not the frequencies generate heat (from ionizing radiation) in the simulated tissue of a test dummy. However, over the decades of telecom development and usage it has been shown that the non ionizing radiation spectrum produces serious negative impacts from the same frequencies. Evidence of impacts from this broad range of microwave radio frequency exposure have been shown to be especially damaging to children, the developing brain, reproduction, function of subtle biological systems and cumulative damage from long term exposure in humans, wildlife and the environment.
The Call letter to AGs is asking them to contact the FCC prompting them to:
- Provide a reasoned explanation for the decision to retain outdated testing
- Address RF radiation impacts on children, long term exposure ,device ubiquity and tech developments since 1996 guidelines were developed.
- Address the impacts of RF radiation on the environment.
It is suggested that Ags write letters to their federal congressional delegation suggesting a freezing of the FCC budget at 2021 levels until they comply with the 2021 court order and hold a congressional oversight hearing exploring the failure to comply with a federal court order. At their state level it is recommended that AGs work with their state executive branch and legislature to form a commission to make recommendations on how their state should respond comprehensively to RF radiation health hazards and explore litigation options to bring about change.
For more information go to www.thenationalcall.org