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Future politcian? Learn how to get elected

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Steuben Board of Elections to host “Running For Local Office” Feb. 25

BATH — With more than 190 elected offices open in Steuben County this year, the county Board of Elections has set up a workshop to assist those interested in a place on their municipality’s ballots.

The free workshop, “Running For Local Office” is set for 9 am, Feb. 25 in the county Annex, 20 E. Morris St., Bath and will educate anyone who wants to run for an elected office.

“We want to inform people how to go about running for office,” said county Board of Elections Republican Commissioner Veronica Olin. “Knowing what steps you need to take will make it a much smoother process. With the number of changes recently to the Election laws we want to make sure everyone has the most current information.”

Topics include:

  • How a person gets on the ballot (This depends on a person’s party enrollment, residence, and the office they want to run for.)
  • Campaign finance requirements for an elected office.
  • The difference between a designating and independent petition.
  • Who can carry a petition and who can sign a petition.
  • Petition challenges
  • The political calendar

“This will be a busy election year,” said county Board of Elections Democratic Commissioner Colleen Hauryski. “Dozens of seats across the county are open, ranging from legislators to town assessors.”

Workshop doors open at 8:15 am.

Because seating is limited, reservations are recommended and may be made by calling (607) 664-2261 or (607) 664-2262.

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