Board President Jessica Hess will resign, will the Vice President succeed her? Here is the agenda
- Opening by the President
- Pledge of Allegiance
- Roll Call: Jessica Hess, Christopher Clark, Meghann Khork, James Marino, Uzma Mehr, Joseph Liberto, Kerry Davis
- Agenda
- Revisions
- Approval
- Public Comment
- Recommended Actions
- Presentations:
- Second Draft – 2023/24 Budget
- Enrollment Report
- Presentations:
- Reports:
- Construction Report
- Celebrating Success
- Superintendent’s Report
- Consent Agenda / Routine
- Approval of the minutes from the meeting of February 1, 2023.
- Acceptance of the Student Activities Report of January 31, 2032.
- Acceptance of the Appropriations Report of January 31, 2023.
- Acceptance of the General Fund Budget Transfer Report of January 31, 2023.
- Acceptance of the Treasurer’s Reports of January 31, 2023.
- Acceptance of the Revenue Report of January 31, 2023.
- Acceptance of the Federal Funds Budget Transfer Report of January 31, 2023.
- Acceptance of the Cafeteria Budget Transfer Report of January 31, 2023.
- Acceptance of the Warrant Reports of January 31, 2023.
- Resolved that the Board has no objections to the recommendations of the Committee on Special Education and approves the authorization of funds to implement the special education programs and services consistent with such recommendations for the meetings of January 31, 2023, February 1, 2, 3, 6, 7, 8, 9, 15 and 16, 2023, the CPSE
- meetings of February 6, 8 and 16, 2023 and the 504 meetings of February 2, 8, 9 and 15, 2023
- Old Business None
- New Business
- Policy/Procedure
- Resignation
- Policy/Procedure
Resolved that, upon the recommendation of Superintendent Palotti, the Board accept the resignation of Jessica Hess as Board of Education Member/President.
- Nominations and Vote
District Clerk Eaton opens the floor for nominations for Board of Education President.
Nominations accepted Close nominations Vote:
If current VP is elected President nominations will be held for Vice President:
- Nominations and Vote
President opens the floor for nominations for Board of Education Vice President. Nominations accepted
Close nominations Vote:
- 2023/24 Calendars
Resolved that, upon the recommendation of Superintendent Palotti, the Board approve the 2023/24 academic and payroll calendars.
- Board of Registration
WHEREAS, personal registration of voters in city school districts of cities with less than one hundred twenty-five thousand inhabitants is required pursuant to Section 2606 of the New York State Education Law;
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the Board of Education (the “Board”) of the City School District of the City of Hornell, Steuben County, New York (the “District”) as follows:
Section 1. The Board hereby appoints Carol Eaton, Susan Brown, Susan Martin, Colby Moore, Kimberly Bacon and Tara Foster as members (the “Members”) of the Board of Registration for the District and hereby specifically authorizes and directs the Members to provide a means and opportunity for qualified District residents to register to vote in connection with the District’s Annual Meeting and Vote to be held on Tuesday, May 16, 2023, pursuant to applicable law.
Section 2. The Board of Registration for the District shall attend at the District Clerk’s office, located at 120 Raider Road, Hornell, New York 14843, to prepare the voter register for the District, pursuant to applicable law.
Section 3. The Members shall serve as the District’s Board of Registration until February 15, 2023 or such time as the Board acts to change the membership of the Board of Registration, and shall continue to act as the Board of Registration for future District votes, until such time as the Board directs otherwise.
Section 4. This resolution shall take effect immediately.
- MOA w/ HEA – Establishment of Club
Resolved that, upon the recommendation of Superintendent Palotti, the Board approve the MOA with HEA to establish a Business Club.
- Disposal of Miscellaneous Items
Resolved that, upon the recommendation of Superintendent Palotti, the Board authorize Patrick Flaitz to dispose of the following items:
90 – Pairs of basketball shorts 50 – Basketball warmup tops 15 – Random basketball jackets 24 – Basketball warmups
1 – Broken kitchen mixer, asset tag # 002525
- Donation of Miscellaneous Items
Resolved that, upon the recommendation of Superintendent Palotti, the Board approve the donation of the following items to the Hornell Sports Boosters:
25 – Out of date football helmets (unusable)
90 – Basketball uniforms from the 80’s, 90’s and 2000’s
- Overnight Trip Request
Resolved that, upon the recommendation of Superintendent Palotti, the Board approve the overnight trip request of the Wrestling Team to travel to Wayne, NY to compete in Sectionals on February 4 , 2023.
- Overnight Trip Request
Resolved that, upon the recommendation of Superintendent Palotti, the Board approve the overnight trip request of the Wrestling Team to travel to Brockport, NY to compete in the State Qualifiers on February 11, 2023.
- Finance
- Student Transportation Vehicle Purchase
Resolved that, upon the recommendation of Superintendent Palotti, the Board approve the following Student Transportation Vehicle Purchase Resolution to be placed on the official ballot to be voted on by the qualified voters of the City School District of the City of Hornell, New York at the Annual Budget Vote/Board Member Election on May 16, 2023:
Shall the following resolution be adopted to wit:
RESOLVED that, the Board of Education of the City School District of
the City of Hornell, New York is hereby authorized to expend $75,000 from the existing 2017-2027 Transportation Reserve Fund for the acquisition of student transportation vehicles, expenditure to be made no later than June 30, 2025?
- Lease of School Buses
Resolved that, upon the recommendation of Superintendent Palotti, the Board approve the following Lease of School Buses Resolution to be placed on the official ballot to be voted on by the qualified voters of the Ciity School District of the City of Hornell, New York at the Annual Budget Vote/Board Member Election on May 16, 2023:
Shall the following resolution be adopted to wit:
RESOLVED that, pursuant to Chapter 472 of the Session Laws of 1998, the Board of Education of the Hornell City School District is hereby authorized to lease and expend therefore, including costs incidental thereto and the financing thereof, an amount not to exceed the estimated maximum cost of four hundred sixty thousand dollars ($460,000.00), and for a term not to exceed five (5) years, the following motors vehicles:
Two (2) sixty-six (66) passenger school buses One (1) forty-eight (48) passenger school bus
AND, that such sum, or so much thereof as may be necessary, shall be raised by the levy of a tax collected in annual installments; and that in anticipation of such tax, obligations of the District shall be issued?
- School Board Member Election / Budget Vote
Resolved that, upon the recommendation of Superintendent Palotti, the annual school board member election/budget vote be held on Tuesday, May 16, 2023 (Noon – 9:00 PM) in accordance with Education Law, and further:
- Recommended that the Board approve the Notice of Annual School Election/Budget Vote. (Exhibit A)
- Recommended that the Board approve the Notice of Filing of School Election District Registers. (Exhibit B)
- Recommended that the Board approve the Notice of Registration for Annual School Election/Budget Vote. (Exhibit C)
- Recommended that the Board approve the list of school election inspectors and alternates and authorize payment at the rate of $150 per day.
- Recommended that the Board authorize the Clerk of the Board of Education to appoint new election inspectors in the event that those who are appointed are unable to work.
- Recommended that the Board approve the process for absentee ballots in accordance with §2018-a of Education Law.
- Recommended that the Board approve the Notice of Filing of School Election District Registers. (Exhibit B)
- Independent Contractor Agreement
Resolved that, upon the recommendation of Superintendent Palotti, the Board approve the Independent Contractor Agreement with Kimberly Cassidy to provide staff development and in service training to the St. Ann’s teaching staff, effective September 1, 2022 through August 31, 2023.
- Cooperative Food Service Bids
Resolved that, upon the recommendation of Superintendent Palotti, the Board approve the resolution to participate in the Cooperative Food Service Bids with the GST BOCES for the 2023/24 school year.
- LaBella Agreement – 2022 Capital Improvement Project
Resolved that, upon the recommendation of Superintendent Palotti, the Board approve the agreement with LaBella for the 2022 Capital Improvement Project.
- Personnel
There are numerous personnel items on the agenda.
The next Regular Board of Education Meeting will be held on Wednesday, March 29, 2023 at 5:15 PM in the High School Library.
Motion to move to Executive Session to pertaining to a particular personnel matter.
Possible amendment to the agenda after Executive Session