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COLUMN: United Nations joins the WEF and WHO seeking global control

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Ask your Congressman and Senators what their position is on the UN Pact for the Future

An opinion by Frederick Sinclair

The publication “Defender” published by Childrens Health Defense contained  a ‘GLOBAL THREATS’ article, by Michael Nevardakis Ph.D, titled UN ‘Pact for the Future’: Digital IDs, Vaccine Passports, Massive Censorship.  The graphic and  much of the information, about what is about to happen later in this month at the UN, is extracted from the article.

The 79th U.N. General Assembly (UNGA) will convene at their headquarters in NY near the end of September. It includes all 193 member countries and will elect a President and 21 Vice Presidents to preside over the session. UNGA, held yearly, functions as the chief deliberative policymaking and representative organ of the UN. Recommendations are ratified based on simple majority vote of those present.

The major topic for discussion is the Pact for the Future which contains 11 policy proposals for establishment of a U.N. “Emergency Platform “ and a “Global Digital Compact” including information integrity and transformation of education.

The U.N. Secretary General would be given standing authority to activate an Emergency Platform “in the event of complex global shocks of sufficient scale, severity and reach.” Experts are warning that the proposals have undergone development without the opportunity for public review of the final proposals. Dutch attorney, Meike Terhorst, feels “the U.N. is attempting to attain more executive power.” Revisions to the proposed Global Digital Compact have also  not yet been made publically available but according to Dr Meryl Nass “the pact will put the U.N. at the center of international affairs and give the U.N. unspecified powers.”  Critics are also making the connection to the agendas of the World Economic Forum (WEF) and the World Health Organization (WHO), that promote the Great Reset and Fourth Industrial Revolution which will reshape our world. Transforming to a global financial system, and the proposed centralized global control of economic and health systems, is expected to incorporate tools such as digital personal IDs tied to control of consumer goods, travel, carbon footprint  and mandatory vaccine passports.

In previous articles we have examined the efforts of the WEF, with Klaus Schwab and industrial elite moving  to bring about the New World Order, Great Reset, and a Sustainable World Economy. We also followed the World Health Organization (WHO) efforts to implement international emergency health treaties and regulations which would have given them complete control over health emergencies, funding, treatments, travel, forced vaccination, and information. The world community responded and was not willing to give over authority and sovereignty to these international organizations and their proposals have so far not been successful. What is happening, however, is that the faltering agendas of the WEF and WHO have been repackaged for approval as the  U.N. “Pact for the Future”.  if approved at the UN,  the ‘Pact’ will actually be considered an International Treaty that is binding. National sovereignty will be threatened; globalist agendas of the New World Order, Great Reset and world totalitarianism will slither in the back door.

What can we do as individuals? Ask your Congressman and Senators what their position is on the UN Pact for the Future to be decided on when UNGA convenes this month.  Become informed, voice your opinion !

Readers can reach out to Fred anytime at

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